Welcome The One Big Tip Podcast listeners!

Want to learn the 5 Unconventional Ways to Earn More Money?

  • Find out how to make more money...without having to chase down more leads.
  • Earn more...without having to work longer hours.
  • Learn how to recession-proof your business.
  • Get tips that you can implement immediately...not months from now.


Hi, I'm Sylvia, I’m a business strategist, finance expert, and speaker who teaches small business owners how to make sense of their numbers (so they know what to do differently) and build multiple profitable income streams.  

I’ve helped coaches, consultants, and creative experts find hidden opportunities to make more money (doing what they’re already doing) without having to chase down more leads. I am passionate about helping small business owners survive and thrive past the 5-year mark. 

My #1 Amazon bestselling book, Small Business Finance for the Busy Entrepreneur gives entrepreneurs the step-by-step guide to saving money and earning more money.

Learn more: https://smifinancialcoaching.com

© 2020 SMI Financial Coaching, LLC